Bachelor of Arts


Administrator: Chair, Department of Psychology

*Adapted from APA Guidelines for the Undergraduate Psychology Major Version 2.0, Aug. 2013 (APA)

New Learning Outcomes:

Goal 1: Knowledge Base in Psychology - Students will demonstrate fundamental knowledge and comprehension of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and empirical findings to discuss how psychological principles apply to behavioral problems.

Goal 2: Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking - Students will demonstrate development of scientific reasoning and problem solving, including effective research methods.

Goal 3: Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World - Students will demonstrate development of ethically and socially responsible behaviors, from a Christian integrated perspective, for professional and personal settings in a landscape that involves increasing diversity.

Goal 4: Communication - Students will demonstrate competence in writing and in oral and interpersonal communication skills.

Goal 5: Professional Development - Students will demonstrate application of psychology-specific content and skills, effective self-reflection, project-management skills, teamwork skills, and career preparation.

Requirements: 51 credits: 48 core credits of which 19 shall be numbered above 2999, and three credits of electives that shall be numbered above 1999

Choose 2 of the following courses:

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Psychology field test to be completed during the senior year.

A minimum of 3 elective credits in Psychology, or another related discipline selected in consultation with a psychology faculty advisor.

Approved Elective Courses:

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

While not required, it is strongly encouraged that psychology majors also take 1-2 years or complete a minor in a modern foreign language.

For Science Credit, one of the following science/lab pairs is suggested:

Item #
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits