Department of Psychology


The Department of Psychology provides an interdisciplinary approach to the study of individuals and groups. The Department offers a broad understanding of human behavior, including the development, relationships, physiological functioning, and interactions of individuals in systems.

The Department contributes to the liberal arts education of NNU students through courses offered to meet the general education core requirement.  More in-depth study leads to the major in psychology. The Psychology Department provides students with a solid background in the questions, methods, and theories of the disciplines, and prepares them for occupations and further study in psychology. The Department models and trains its students to be Christian professionals serving the community.


Kyle Brasil, Alaina Henry, Elizabeth List (Department Chair), Sarah Marion, Rachel Neitzey

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Graduates of this major will be able to demonstrate knowledge of and successfully apply the principles of research design, methodology and statistical analysis.
  2. Graduates of this major will demonstrate a professional demeanor in the context of a Christian perspective.
  3. Graduates of this major will be able to articulate a synthesized understanding of the history, theories, and application of the major sub-disciplines of psychology.

Degrees and Certificates


PSYC1250: Psychology for Life

Credits 2

An overview of the principal issues in the psychology of adjustment. The causes and patterns of behavior are analyzed to enable students to acquire insight and understanding regarding the actions of the emotionally healthy as well as the emotionally disturbed.

PSYC1550: Introduction to Psychology

Credits 3

A study of the basic principles of human behavior, giving attention to developmental patterns, motivation and adjustment, learning and memory processes, and individual differences in aptitude, personality, and mental health. 

PSYC1615: Careers in Psychology

Credits 2

A study of the vast array of employment opportunities in the field of psychology. This course will provide opportunities for students to learn how to write a curriculum vitae, research about various employment opportunities in the realm of psychology, and hear from guest speakers who use psychology in their jobs.

PSYC2100: Lifespan Development

Credits 3

A study of growth and development of human beings from conception to death, with emphasis on the areas of cognitive processes, language development and social interactions.

Prerequisite Courses

PSYC2110: Educational Psychology

Credits 3
A study of the psychological implications involved in the teaching-learning situation with emphasis on those psychological principles applicable to children ages 6-12 and adolescents 13-18. A variety of learning and developmental theories based on research from the field of psychology are covered. (See EDUC2110).
EDUC1100, Sophomore classification., or instructor's approval.

PSYC2215: Research Design

Credits 3

A study of qualitative and quantitative research methodology. Students will learn the basics of how to use professional psychological research, design research around a hypothesis, and the basics of research writing.


Course fee attached.

Prerequisite Courses

PSYC2559: Psychology of Motivation and Leadership

Credits 3

This course examines the psychological theories and methodologies of motivation and the elements of leadership, including motivating and demotivating factors, benefits of motivations, individual and team leadership, leadership styles and personalities. Applications for the organizational systems, individuals and groups will be studied. Fee: Additional fee required.

PSYC2955: Psychology Pre-Practicum

Credits 1

This course will prepare students for practicum in psychological settings, including orientation, psychology ethics, resume writing, and identifying possible sites and contact persons. All psychology students seeking practicum experiences in approved agencies must satisfactorily complete this course prior to registering for PSYC3960. 

PSYC3455: Abnormal Psychology

Credits 3

A study of the etiology and dynamics of psychopathology, designed to give the student a working vocabulary of terminology and concepts in the area of abnormal behavior. The course includes discussions about treatments and ethics involved in caring for those suffering from mental disorders.

Prerequisite Courses

PSYC3640: Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis

Credits 3

A course that integrates experimental methodology and statistical data analysis procedures in behavioral science. Emphasizes statistical descriptions, statistical inference, and hypothesis testing.


Six prior credits in psychology or a related field.

PSYC3670: Teaching Psychology in Secondary Schools

Credits 2

Course topics include strategies appropriate to this subject field, instructional materials and tools, and curricular structure common to this subject in the secondary school. Includes opportunities for candidates to assist and teach for a minimum of 20 hours. (See EDUC3670)


Junior classification, Program admission required.

PSYC3960: Psychology Practicum

Credits 1 2

Readings and supervised practicum experience designed to give the student practical application in the areas of assessment, counseling, and behavior modification. May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.


PSYC2955, and instructor's approval.

PSYC3970: Advanced Research in Psychology

Credits 1 2

Over the course of 3 credits, the student will develop independent research with the supervision of a professor and cooperation of a senior research student. Course should be taken 1 credit at a time (but a student may sign up for 2 credits with advisor's permission) for a minimum of 3 credits total. May be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits.

Prerequisite Courses

PSYC4000: Psychology Field Test

Credits 0

The Psychology major field test is a required portion of the Capstone experience. The major field test is designed to assess student understanding of the basic concepts of the field of Psychology.  This course will have a pass/fail grade.

Students must be concurrently enrolled in a Capstone class (PSYC4010 or CRIM4010 or HUMN4010, etc).

PSYC4010: Capstone

Credits 1

This course provides students with a context for reflection and self-analysis regarding their educational experience at NNU. The approach in this course to self-analysis and critical reflection is two-fold: 1) students will reflect on their comprehensive educational experience through the lens of the four university outcomes, and 2) students will think about and discuss the integration of their learning with their future, post-university lives. (See CRIM4010, HUMN4010, SPAN4010) 

Students must be concurrently enrolled in the Psychology Field Test course (PSYC4000) to complete the Capstone requirement.

Corequisite Courses

PSYC4110: Psychology of Learning

Credits 3
An examination of the basic principles and theories of learning with major attention given to the problems of human learning and memory.
9 credits in psychology

PSYC4111: Human Sexuality

Credits 3

A study of human sexuality addressing biological, social, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual aspects. Sexuality, encompassing all that we are as females and males, will be taught from a holistic framework.

Prerequisite Courses

PSYC4112: Human Diversity

Credits 3
This course examines the multifaceted levels of diversity in humanity and will review ways to approach diversity in a sensitive and appropriate manner. Topics to be covered include a history of human diversity, cultural diversity, age differences, gender issues, spirituality, sexuality, religious diversity, physical impairments, and how to be sensitive to issues of diversity as they pertain to working with people. Key human rights and understandings will be explored. Fulfills a General Education Cultural Competency (CC) requirement.

PSYC4350: Personality Theory

Credits 3

A study of the development, structure, and modification of human personality. Modern theories of personality are submitted to critical analysis. 


6 credits in psychology

PSYC4511: Psychology of Religion

Credits 3
A study of the psychological implications of religious experience and a comparison of psychological and religious views of human behavior.
Prerequisite Courses

PSYC4512: Social Psychology

Credits 3

A study of the interrelationships of individuals and their social environments, including the methods of investigation and some of the theories and findings of the field of social psychology.

Prerequisite Courses

PSYC4619: Introduction to Psychological Testing

Credits 3

An introduction to the theory, problems, methods and content of psychological testing. The first part of the course deals with the basic concepts of the purpose of testing, test administration, scoring, standardization, reliability, validity, and evaluation. The remainder of the course covers the principal intelligence, achievement, aptitude, interest and personality tests. 

Prerequisite Courses

PSYC4659: Advanced Psychology

Credits 3
This is a survey course in psychology in which senior psychology majors study the major areas of general psychology in some depth, are involved in the Introduction to Psychology course serving as teaching assistants, and leading activity and study groups for students in Introduction to Psychology. May be repeated for credit.
Students will be psychology majors with at least junior standing. They must have completed at least 15 credits in psychology.

PSYC4761: Introduction to Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology

Credits 3

An introduction to the psychology subfields of neuropsychology and psychopharmacology. The content involves an understanding of the relationships between brain and behavior. Students will be introduced to the anatomy and functions of the brain, the way brain functioning affects cognition and behavior, situations that can lead to deviations in behaviors and cognitions, and how pharmacological agents interact with the brain to treat mental illness and brain trauma.

Prerequisite Courses

PSYC4762: History and Systems of Psychology

Credits 2

An historical survey of modern psychology and an analysis of its classical systems and contemporary theories.


16 credits in psychology, or instructor's approval.

PSYC4850: History and Systems of Psychology Experience

Credits 1

An historical survey of modern psychology and an analysis of the classical systems and contemporary theories in psychology. Students will visit historical sites and classic psychological and social science venues that are presented in the PSYC4762 course. Fee: Additional fee required.