Bachelor of Arts

Music Education


To prepare students to teach content courses in grades K-12 and meet the requirements for Idaho certification

Administrators: Music and Undergraduate Education Department Chairs

Secondary Program Requirements:

Requirements: 39 credits in professional education and specific endorsement requirements:

  • Music Education Endorsement Area: 67 credits
  • Music Education Second Endorsement: 30 credits and selection of a first endorsement.

Professional Education Core Courses: 39 credits

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Courses must be taken at Northwest Nazarene University: EDUC1100, EDUC2550, EDUC2960, EDUC3090, EDUC3410, EDUC3510, EDUC3750, EDUC3920, EDUC4850, EDUC4860, EDUC4870, EDUC4950, Special methods courses in first and second endorsements or endorsement area.

All Music Majors are required to:

  1. Participate in a minimum of one large ensemble each semester
  2. Study privately and participate in Master Class in their primary performance medium each semester (voice or instrument) (additional fee required)
  3. Complete a juried examination in their performance medium each semester
  4. Pass the Keyboard Proficiency Exam (Piano skills assessed during the first semester).  Applied piano may be required (additional fee required)
  5. Complete 8 semesters of Concert Recital Attendance. (MUSC0250)

Music Education majors are required to:

  1. Complete a minimum of eight credits in a large ensemble (8)
  2. Complete a minimum of eight credits in applied lessons (8)
  3. Promote to Advance Standing in their primary performance medium
  4. Demonstrate basic proficiency in guitar by the end of their junior year. Student can demonstrate proficiency through the guitar proficiency exam or by earning a C or better in Private Guitar (additional fee required)

Music education majors may be exempt from taking lessons and performance ensembles during student teaching. Familiarization and compliance with music program policies as outlined in the Music Program Handbook is the student's responsibility. Copies are available in the Music Department office. 

Note: Most students require nine semesters to complete this program.

Sub-Total Credits


Guitar Proficiency (Music Education Majors Only)
Music education majors must show basic proficiency in guitar by the end of their junior year.
Students can demonstrate proficiency through the guitar proficiency exam or by earning a C or
better in Private Guitar.

To complete the exam, students must submit a video recording of all six required areas. Areas not
passed may be resubmitted. Requirements of the examination include:
1. Demonstrate the relative tuning method
2. Recite and identify all six open strings by memory
3. Correctly play accompaniment (strumming chords) for a popular song of an intermediate level (examples available)
4. Play the following scales: C major, E major, and A minor (one octave). (NOTE: the minor scales listed above refer to natural or pure minor)
5. Play I-IV-V7-I in the keys of C and G
6. Perform a basic melody of a folk or popular song (examples available)Rationale: Most schools across the country offer guitar as a music class. This proficiency was designed to have the lightest impact on our students’ workload while providing foundational skills in guitar.

Music Second Endorsement

Must select a first endorsement. See chart on Department of Education page. 

Required courses: 30 credits, including eight credits in education methods.

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Other Requirements:

Keyboard proficiency shall be determined by examination before enrolling for student teaching. Students may acquire needed skills by taking applied piano.


Program Certification Requirements:

  1. Complete all requirements for a baccalaureate degree.
  2. Complete a subject endorsement area of at least 45 semester credit hours as recommended by the subject department and approved by the Department of Education, or complete a first endorsement of at least 30 semester credit hours and a second endorsement of at least 20 semester credit hours as recommended by the subject departments and approved by the Department of Education.
  3. Complete requirements of the Educator Preparation Program in effect at the time of admission to Educator Preparation as well as any additional requirements if required by changes in the standards of state regulatory agencies.
  4. Complete all required education courses in the secondary program with a grade of B- (2.7) or better.
  5. Complete all required content courses with a grade of C (2.0) or better.
  6. Maintain a 3.0 or better cumulative GPA.
  7. Pass the Praxis content test(s) in endorsement area or first and second endorsements.
Total Credits