Bachelor of Arts

Commercial Music


Designed for students pursuing a career in commercial music fields. Tracks emphasize Music Management for tours, artists, and/or venues, or Audio Production in live and/or studio settings.  Requirements below combine with the 32 Core Music credits to prepare graduate of exceptional musicianship for industry service.

Administrator: Chair, Department of Music

Requirements: 60 credits, 32 core credits and 28 concentration credits

Core Courses: 32 credits

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Additional Music Major Requirements:

  1. Participate in a minimum of one large ensemble each semester
  2. Study privately in their primary performance medium each semester (voice or instrument) (additional fee required)
  3. Complete a juried examination in their performance medium each semester
  4. Pass the Keyboard Proficiency Exam (Piano skills assessed during the first semester). Applied piano may be required (Additional fee required)
  5. Complete 8 semesters of Concert Recital Attendance. (MUSC0250)

Music Management Track: 28 credits

Required courses: 12 credits


Item #

Semester abroad courses (Contemporary Music Center, Nashville or similar): 16 credits

  • Faith, Music, & Culture (3)
  • Inside the Music Industry (3)
  • Practicum: CMC Tour (1)
  • Strategic Management (3)
  • Music Business Survey (3)
  • Advanced Media Marketing (3)

Audio Production Track: 28 credits

Required courses: 12 credits

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

Semester abroad courses (Contemporary Music Center, Nashville or similar): 16 credits

  • Faith, Music, & Culture (3)
  • Inside the Music Industry (3)
  • Practicum: CMC Tour (1)
  • Advanced Studio Recording (3)
  • Audio Engineering (3)
  • Concert Production (3)
Total Credits