English Language Writing


ELWR1061: Academic Language Acquisition

Credits 3
This course integrates academic listening strategies, note-taking and academic discussion in addition to other preparation to give English as a Second Language (ESL) students the skills required to fully participate in the university classroom. A general academic vocabulary list taught through listening activities aids students' acquisition of frequently-used terms in an undergraduate course level context.
A TOEFL IBT score of 60/IELTS score of 5.0 or higher.

ELWR1062: Academic Language Acquisition II

Credits 3
This course is a continuation of Academic Language Acquisition I. The course integrates academic listening strategies, note-taking and academic discussion in addition to other preparation to give ESL students the skills required to fully participate in the university classroom. The professor tailors the course to emphasize words and constructions frequently used in the students' major areas of study.
ELWR1061, or instructor's approval.

ELWR1063: Course-specific Language Support

Credits 3
This adjunct model course links to a traditional undergraduate content course. The goal of this course is to provide ESL students the language skills and study strategies that can be further applied to other undergraduate courses. Particular focus will be given to the following skills: identifying the main idea of a passage, skimming the reading content, taking appropriate lecture notes, and writing succinct summaries. May be repeated once for credit.