Aldersgate Honors College General Education

Students admitted into the Aldersgate Honors College may opt to focus on 18-credit humanities minor or 30-credit humanities co-major.

Humanities Minor: 18 credits (six three-credit courses)

HNRS2310 Foundations of Culture I: Ancient Beginnings
HNRS2320 Foundations of Culture II: The Middle Ages
HNRS3310 Foundations of Culture III: Rebirth and Reformation
HNRS3320 Foundations of Culture IV: Enlightenment and Revolution
HNRS3330 Foundations of Culture V: Late Modernity
HNRS3340 Foundations of Culture VI: Cityscapes


Humanities Co-Major: 30 credits (ten three-credit courses)

HNRS2310 Foundations of Culture I: Ancient Beginnings
HNRS2320 Foundations of Culture II: The Middle Ages
HNRS3310 Foundations of Culture III: Rebirth and Reformation
HNRS3320 Foundations of Culture IV: Enlightenment and Revolution
HNRS3330 Foundations of Culture V: Late Modernity
HNRS3340 Foundations of Culture VI: Cityscapes
HNRS4310 Foundations of Culture VII: Stories of Science
HNRS4320 Foundations of Culture VIII: Global Migrations

Plus six credits of upper-division humanities