Bachelor of Arts

Recreation and Sport Management: Athletic Training

This area of emphasis is not a NATA (National Athletic Trainers Association) curriculum approved course of study. Students pursuing an Athletic Training emphasis are encouraged to consider an approved graduate degree program in athletic training in order to qualify to take the NATA certifying examination.

Administrator: Scott Kinnaman (Department Chair), Kinesiology Department

Requirements: 50-51 credits, including completion of core courses (35 credits) of which 19 shall be KINE credits numbered above 2999, and concentration credits (15-16).  Must pass fitness component tests as set forth by the Kinesiology Department. 

Select 15-16 credits from the following courses:

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

All Recreation Sport Management majors must present evidence of successful completion of:

  1. Current First Aid/CPR certification (American Red Cross preferred)
  2. Completion of Lifeguard or Water Safety Instruction (WSI) certification
  3. Successful completion of the Kinesiology Department Fitness Component Tests
Total Credits