Department of Kinesiology


Ben Gall (Department Chair), Kaydee Mick

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students in the department and general education students will be able to think critically and assess wellness benchmarks in order to increase awareness of personal wellness level competencies. (Truth and Transformation)
  2. Students will demonstrate current methods in leadership, management, and coaching techniques within respective professional employment environments. (Transformation, Community)
  3. Students will utilize and implement knowledge of the human body and its movement function within a recreational or an athletic setting in order to adapt and improve physical performance. (Truth)
  4. Students will be able to use a variety of information technologies, internships, field experiences, and student and peer teaching experiences to help develop their personal style of leadership and instruction for future endeavors. (Transformation, Service)
  5. Students will be aware of the current health issues within the context of a complex societal environment, and understand issues of integrity and faith and the value these areas add to their profession. (Community)

Degrees and Certificates


KINE1000: Fundamentals of Wellness

Credits 1
This course is an approach to health and physical education that relates the value of physical activity to the human body. The content of the course will be presented by utilizing lecture and laboratory sessions. The course emphasizes the "holistic" wellness approach to the individual regarding the dimensions of wellness.

KINE1000L: Fundamentals of Wellness Laboratory

Credits 0

This course is designed to allow students to assess personal health benchmarks related to overall wellness including: body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, endurance and flexibility, skill-related fitness, and blood lipids analysis. Students will develop a personal wellness program based on personal health assessments.

Corequisite Courses

KINE1010: Adapted Physical Education

Credits 1
This course offers students who have deficiencies an opportunity to correct and overcome them as well as a chance to learn skills and recreational activities which are adapted to their particular conditions. Emphasis is given to individual guidance and healthy attitude development through this course. This course fulfills one general education KINE activity requirement.

KINE1020/KINE1021: Heart Healthy Activities

Credits 1

Wellness activities of adult fitness such as: aerobic fitness, cycling, lifeguarding, physical fitness, yoga, core fusion, CrossFit, Taiji, Taekwondo, skiing, swimming (intermediate), jogging/walking, indoor/outdoor recreational sports and games, and water fitness. Two activities will be offered per semester. This course fulfills the general education KINE activity requirement. May be repeated for elective credit but not for general education credit. Fee: Additional fee required.

KINE1030/KINE1031: Lifetime Sport Activities

Credits 1

Introductory skill, rules and play of a selected activity such as: archery, backpacking, badminton, bowling, golf, racquetball, rock climbing, soccer, softball, swimming (beginning), tennis, weight training, and volleyball (beginning and intermediate).  Two activities will be offered per semester. This course fulfills the general education KINE activity requirement. May be repeated for elective credit but not for general education credit. Fee: Additional fee required.

KINE1040: Outdoor Activities

Credits 1

Outdoor recreation and leisure selected activities such as: climbing, skiing, riflery, archery, challenge course, survival/search and rescue, wilderness backpacking, scuba, horsemanship and cycling/mountain biking. Open to all students, but does not fulfill the KINE general education requirements. Fee: Additional fee required.

KINE1550: Introduction to Sport Psychology

Credits 3
Provides students with an introduction to the field's origins, key concepts, research development, and career options. Special focus on personal factors that affect performance and behavior in sport, physical education, and exercise settings, including situational circumstances that influence behavior, group interaction and processes, and the use of psychological techniques to help people perform more effectively. Students will gain critical insights into the role psychological factors play in health and exercise and the psychological consequences of participation in sport and physical activity, including children's psychological development through sport participation, aggression in sport, and moral development and good sporting behavior in sport and physical activity contexts.

KINE1960: Clinical Observation

Credits 1
A field-based observational experience which enhances first hand practical knowledge in either a physical therapy or athletic training setting.

KINE2094: Topics in Kinesiology

Credits 1 4
A course designed for those planning to enter the field of health, kinesiology, athletic training or recreation. Current issues will be addressed in health, physical education and recreation that have not been covered in other courses. May be repeated for credit.

KINE2430: Health Issues in Today's Society

Credits 3
Emphasis is on major health issues and problems of adolescent and college age students including: drugs, alcohol and tobacco, human sexuality, STD's, mental health, consumer health, infectious and noninfectious diseases, and environmental health.

KINE2500: Military Style Fitness

Credits 1
A practical application of military-style fitness adapted for any students who wish to improve their overall physical fitness level. Emphasis is on cardiovascular and upper body development. May be repeated for up to 12 credits. This course fulfills the general education KINE activity requirement.

KINE2640: Kinesiology Majors Activity Laboratory

Credits 1

Sports activity laboratory for Department of Kinesiology majors only. Emphasis is on sports skills, development and teaching techniques. A variety of activities will be covered, including: soccer, football, aerobic fitness, racket sports, fitness testing/fitness prescription, movement-rhythms, softball, volleyball, track and field, basketball, weight training, tennis and challenge course. Kinesiology Majors will take four credits; one of which fulfills a KINE general education requirement.



This course is only open to Kinesiology Majors.

KINE2700: Leadership in Outdoor Recreation

Credits 3
This course introduces the history of outdoor leadership, resources, program planning, and design and management. An emphasis on outdoor leadership theory, understanding group facilitation and teaching strategies will be the central focus of the course. Successful completion prepares a student to design and lead outdoor educational activities.

KINE2730: Nutrition Across the Lifespan

Credits 2
A basic course surveying the nutrients required by the human body and their assimilation, function, deficiency and food sources. Course will include a study of proper dietary intake throughout the life cycle, emphasizing the importance of nutrition to good health. Includes clinical application.

KINE2750: Outdoor Pursuits

Credits 2

Kinesiology Majors only. Fundamental skills and instructional techniques for outdoor educational activities. Also includes outdoor equipment use and safety emphasis. Fee: Additional fee required.

Prerequisite Courses

KINE2760: Intercollegiate Athletic Participation

Credits 0 1

This course requires participation in intercollegiate athletics. May be taken by athletes, managers, athletic trainers, statisticians, and cheerleaders. May be repeated for a maximum of eight credits: one credit per sport per year and a maximum of two credits per year. Student athletes will be registered for this course by the Office of the Registrar.

KINE2800: Sport History

Credits 2

A survey of the American sport history timeline following the introduction of sport to its present-day standings. An emphasis will be placed on how the world influence of sport is intertwined with American sport, and an analysis of American preconceptions about sport compared to a world view as well as how sport transcends cultural boundaries. The course will investigate how sport reflects issues of race, class, gender, ethnicity, international politics and how those issues are reflected by the Modern Olympic games’ movement and the larger concept of Olympism as an agent of social change. Fulfills a General Education Cultural Competency (CC) requirement.

KINE2850: Camp Administration and Outdoor Education

Credits 2
An introduction to the philosophy, methods and skills necessary for outdoor leaders, along with instruction techniques in outdoor equipment use and safety emphasis. Experiences are provided in various outdoor educational settings.

KINE2900A: Outdoor Skills - Water

Credits 2

Course is designed to introduce and develop skills associated with boating, watersports and recreational activities that are water related. Course focuses on boating safety, boating laws, water safety, water rescue, paddling techniques, scuba and float plans. Course includes visit to local fish hatchery. Travel to local lakes and rivers--including practice with canoes, kayaks, and stand up paddle board--is part of the course. Fee: Additional fee required.

KINE2900B: Outdoor Skills - Land

Credits 2

Course is designed to develop skills associated with outdoor activities on land. Course covers topics in orienteering, GPS, leave no trace principles, camping, hiking, trip planning, and essential survival skills. Students will be required to participate in evening or weekend activities or planned trips to practice skills and techniques taught in class. Fee: Additional fee required.

KINE2900C: Outdoor Skills - Snow

Credits 2

Course combines classroom knowledge and field experience in the areas of snowshoeing, cross country skiing, downhill skiing, and snowboarding along with safety and leave no trace principles with these activities. The student will be required to participate in evening or weekend trips to participate in skill experiences. Fee: Additional fee required.

KINE2960: Field Experience in Kinesiology

Credits 1
Designed to provide an introductory experience as a leader in various health, kinesiology, and recreational settings. Students will receive experience as a teaching assistant in a Fundamentals of Wellness Laboratory setting by administering and interpreting wellness/health assessments.

KINE3350: Teaching Health in Secondary School

Credits 2

Course is designed to provide knowledge in three divisions of health education: healthful living, school health services, and health education. Topics include recognition of health issues of children and adolescents (K-12), with opportunity to develop competencies in handling methods and teaching techniques. Includes a 20-hour field experience. (See EDUC3350.)


Junior classification, Program admission required.

Corequisite Courses

KINE3370: Teaching Health in Elementary Schools

Credits 1 2

This course will serve as an introduction to health education and will acquaint the teacher with contemporary concepts for teaching health in the elementary school. Emphasis will be on learning and identifying health needs in the elementary school population.


KINE3380: Teaching Physical Education in the K-8 Schools

Credits 2

This course introduces students to the basic principles of physical education for children in grades kindergarten through eight. Emphasis will be placed on the development of systematic physical education programming. Students will participate in a 10-hour field experience. (See EDUC3380.)

KINE3440: Advanced Athletic Training

Credits 3
A study of advanced theory in the techniques of athletic training that are necessary for the professional athletic trainer. Topics include recognition and understanding of identification, and care and rehabilitation of specific injuries. Particular emphasis is placed upon the proper use of various therapeutic modalities.
Prerequisite Courses

KINE3560: Psychology and Techniques of Coaching

Credits 3
A study of the psychological implications of dealing with the student athlete in areas of motivation and performance. Coaching techniques in various sports and mentor experiences will be covered.

KINE3600: Motor Development and Motor Learning

Credits 2
A study of movement education in the areas of motor behavior, motor development and learning theories. Movement patterns throughout the various life spans, psycho-motor and perceptual-motor development are covered in the course.

KINE3630: Corrective and Adaptive Physical Education

Credits 2
A course designed to help the students to develop understanding of the special needs child, including opportunity for learning to recognize disabilities, limitations, and problems. Students are taught to develop individual educational programs for special needs children.

KINE3640: Physiology of Exercise

Credits 3
This course studies the effects of exercise and training on various body systems. It includes a study of how energy sources are derived and utilized by the body, as well as the principles of training and developing training programs. Labs included within the coursework will focus on a study of clinical exercise testing and data collection.

KINE3650: Biomechanics

Credits 3
A study of the mechanical principles and external and internal forces involved in human movement and athletics. Emphasis on the application of mechanical principles in sport technique and how to evaluate sport skills quantitatively and qualitatively. Labs within the course study mechanical principles, description of motion and use of technology in analyzing movement.

KINE4094: Special Topics in Kinesiology

Credits 1 4

Topics relating to health, physical education, athletic training, or recreation not ordinarily covered in other courses. Fee: Additional fee required.

KINE4520: Tests and Measurements in Physical Education

Credits 3

Course introduces the use of tests, measurement, and evaluation in physical education classes. Topics include teacher and program evaluations, selection, administration, construction and evaluation of skill, and written examinations. Course satisfies math general education requirement.

KINE4560: Administration and Supervision of HPERD

Credits 3
This course is designed to serve as an introduction to the techniques of administration and supervision in kinesiology and athletics. Emphasis is given to leadership theory, principles of sport training, current issues, and preparation for entry level employment.

KINE4860: Recreation Management and Facilities Planning

Credits 3
Development of skills and techniques necessary for successful leadership in municipal and school recreational programs and includes the study of trends, problems and interrelationships of community agencies. Offered alternate years.

KINE4950: Internship in Athletic Training

Credits 1
Practical application of the theory of training technique in a variety of settings. Training skills and principles may be applied to achieve the established goal of prevention and care of athletic injuries.

KINE4960A: Recreation and Sport Internship

Credits 3
Practical experience in planning, leading, supervising and evaluating recreation programs while working in a specific situation under qualified personnel. May be repeated for credit once.

KINE4960B: Recreation and Sport Internship

Credits 3
Practical experience in planning, leading, supervising and evaluating recreation programs while working in a specific situation under qualified personnel. May be repeated for credit once.

KINE4970: Kinesiology Senior Capstone

Credits 1
Capstone course that helps kinesiology majors prepare for graduation and transition into the profession on a variety of levels (employment, graduate school, etc). This course is the culminating academic experience that is intended to bring together the kinesiology major's knowledge and experiential base. The course is intended to help majors be reflective and thoughtful relating to their academic, social, spiritual and professional development at Northwest Nazarene University.