Political Science


POLS1000: Introduction to American Government

Credits 2
Offered in conjunction with Boys' State or Girls' State, a one-week program designed as a leadership experience which allows self-participation in the election and legislative process of American government.

POLS1010: American National Politics

Credits 3
An introduction to American politics from the 18th century to the present. Major themes and events include the writing of the U.S. Constitution, the development of American political principles and institutions, and contemporary political practices and issues in the United States.

POLS1030: The Foundations of Politics: The Quest for Peace and Justice

Credits 3
An examination of peace and justice in political communities as well as the relationship of religious faith to political thought and practice. This course emphasizes the development of reading, writing, and critical thinking skills and examines historical and contemporary political issues rooted in perennial questions about justice.

POLS1050: Introduction to International Relations

Credits 3
An introduction to the international political system and its major institutions, issues, and events. Major themes and events include the nature of the state system, national security and national interest, war and peace, alliances, diplomacy, the Cold War, conflict resolution, and international law.

POLS3100: Globalization

Credits 3
An in-depth examination of globalization from political and geographic perspectives. The course includes study of historical eras of globalization but focuses primarily on current issues and challenges. Topics include the economics of globalization, influence of technology on culture and spread of globalization, issues of sovereignty and reactions against globalization.

POLS3310: Presidential Power: The Politics of Leadership

Credits 3
An in-depth analysis of the presidency in the American political system. The course will examine the origins of the presidency, the nature of executive-legislative relations, the growth of presidential power, and the exercise of presidential power, especially in the modern era.

POLS3330: U.S. Foreign Policy

Credits 3
An in-depth examination of the factors influencing the U.S. as a participant in the international system, especially from the end of World War II to the present. Topics include U.S. foreign policy and ideology, domestic politics and interest groups, public opinion and the media, and historical events considered chronologically. (See HIST3330.)

POLS3610: Comparative Politics

Credits 3
An in-depth study of how nations are governed, how different political systems operate, and the historical explanations for disparate levels of development. This course examines how modern political systems try to resolve complex domestic and international problems. Topics include the theoretical foundations of comparative political analysis, the relationship between the state, markets and civil society, and the growing importance of culture in explaining development and the quality of governance.

POLS4100: Ideas that Made America

Credits 3

This course is an overview of American intellectual culture from the seventeenth century to the present. From Puritanism to Pragmatism to Postmodernism, we will study the major thinkers and trends that made America. (See HIST4100).

POLS4410: Constitutional Law

Credits 3
An in-depth study of the U.S. Supreme Court and its role in the American political and legal systems. Landmark judicial decisions are examined concerning governmental powers, separation of powers, and federalism. Special attention is paid to legal reasoning and the role of the Court and its work in American government and society. Recommended for students interested in law school.

POLS4420: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

Credits 3

A critical examination of U.S. Supreme Court decisions involving constitutional rights and liberties with special attention given to the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment. Topics will include religious freedom, freedom of expression, rights in criminal procedure, due process and equal protection, including racial and gender discrimination and sexual harassment.

POLS4560: International Law and Human Rights

Credits 3
An in-depth study of conflict and conflict resolution in the international political system. This course examines various theories and models such as negotiation theory, peace studies, biblical models, international law, global human rights, and international order models.

POLS4960: Internship in Political Science

Credits 3
A supervised, practical work experience in either the public or private sectors. The internship is required of all political science majors and provides an opportunity to gain practical experience in government and politics.
Instructor's approval

POLS4970: Senior Thesis and Capstone

Credits 4
A two-part requirement for all political science and international studies majors. The departmental component (Thesis) is an independent research paper of 25-30 pages, which includes demonstration of critical analysis and evaluation involving scholarly research and data-gathering. The university component (Capstone) includes a careful evaluation of the fulfillment of the university outcomes in the growth and experience of the student while at NNU, through discussion, and an extended paper of eight to ten pages.