Professional Licensure Disclosures

Professional Licensure Within Idaho State

NNU offers several academic programs that lead to professional licensure within Idaho State. All of NNU’s professional licensure academic programs have been designed to meet or exceed the educational program expectations for professional licensure in the state of Idaho. Most are recognized as meeting the high standards for accreditation by national accreditors.

However, individual states vary in what professions they require to be licensed and how that licensure or certification is acquired. Some states accept graduation from a nationally accredited program, and some may require specific additional coursework, state examinations, licensing fees, residence requirements, additional fieldwork or other additional expectations prior to issuing a professional license. Therefore, students are advised that the completion of an NNU academic program leading to licensure or certification in the state of Idaho, and the satisfaction of any additional Idaho licensure/certification requirements, will not always guarantee receipt of licensure or certification in another state.


Professional Licensure Outside of Idaho

  • If your goal is to seek licensure or certification outside the State of Idaho, you are strongly encouraged, before enrolling in the program, to review the academic program requirements and licensure/certification requirements of the state in which you intend to receive a state license or certification.
  • We recommend that you contact the relevant state licensing agency to receive the most current guidance about licensure and certification requirements in that state, as requirements for licensure or certification can change at any time, and we strongly suggest ongoing reviews of those requirements during your program to help ensure that changes will not impact your licensure plans.
  • Please note that state licensing agencies have the ultimate responsibility for determining whether the requirements for professional licensure in that state have been satisfied, and those decisions will be made based on the rules and regulations in force at the time the application is reviewed.


Professional License Disclosure by Program

To help you better understand the requirements for licensure in other states, you may want to contact the program director or the chair of the academic program in which you intend to enroll.

The programs listed below all lead to some type of professional license. Click on any link in the list and it will take you to a Professional License Disclosure table each degree program: