Lifestyle Expectations

The essential mission of Northwest Nazarene University is the development of Christian character within the philosophy and framework of genuine scholarship. NNU is a community committed to both developing scholars and growing Christians. Thus, each new student is encouraged to recognize the privilege of participating in a community committed to Christian scholarship. Behavioral expectations emerge because of the unique nature of this community.

All students are expected to live by the lifestyle guidelines as stated in the Student Handbook, which are based on the University's relationship to the Church of the Nazarene and the directives and guidelines established by it.

New students will receive a link to the current Lifestyle Guidelines during New Student Orientation (NSO) and in the admissions process. The student is expected to read these policies. The signature on the student application is an agreement to comply with the lifestyle guidelines of the university. It is to be understood that the signed application is considered to be valid and binding throughout the period a student is enrolled at NNU. Any changes in campus policy from year to year will be identified in the revised Student Handbook online. All students are responsible to follow the policies outlined in the handbook. A copy is available on the web at

Prospective students who feel they need clarification of the regulations will have the opportunity to discuss the matter with the Office of Student Life either prior to or at the time of registration.

In addition to the provisions of termination for misconduct, the University reserves the right, at the end of the academic semester, to deny re-enrollment or the right to access campus housing to any student when such action, approved by the Vice President for Student Life, is deemed to be in the best interest of the University or the student.