Concurrent Credit Program

The Concurrent Credit Program (CCP) at Northwest Nazarene University is designed to enrich the educational opportunities of pre-college students who have demonstrated high academic ability. This program unites the services of NNU with high school students, offering university-level credits for selected courses administered through NNU and taught at local and online high schools by NNU-approved instructors.

The following course descriptions are specific to courses offered by the CCP. Additional NNU Department course descriptions are listed in the relevant NNU Catalog []. A complete list of courses offered by the CCP can be found at

ARDE1760 Fundamentals of Photography (3)

This course provides non-art majors an introductory study into camera operation and how the camera and film render and manipulate light. Basic design structure and concepts will be incorporated as well as a study of historical photographers and their work. Students should have a 35 mm camera (film or digital) with manual functions. No darkroom work will be required; however, there will be photographic and written assignments. This course will transition to ARDE2760-Photography I 

ENGL1094 Literature: Short Fiction (3)

Short fiction introduces students to the study of literature at the university level through the medium of the short story, covering stories drawn primarily from the United States and Europe, from 1800 to the present. For the course to count for NNU General Education requirements, the student must earn a grade of C or better.

CHEM1060 Chemistry for Citizens (3)

An examination of the role of chemistry in today's society: historical aspects, technological advances, industrial applications, environment and ecological applications. No prior knowledge of chemistry is assumed. Corequisites: CHEM1060L

CHEM1060L Chemistry for Citizens Laboratory (1)

An application and exploration of the principles and techniques described in CHEM1060. Corequisites: CHEM1060

CHIN1010 Elementary Chinese (4)

This course is for students who wish to begin the study of Mandarin and Chinese characters and will include an introduction to Chinese culture. Topics will include the acquisition of basic vocabulary, sounds and structure with emphasis on conversation and basic Chinese characters. Students will participate in level one modules designed to improve speaking, listening, reading and writing.

CHIN1020 Elementary Chinese (4)

Continuation of CHIN1010  For students who wish to begin the study of Mandarin and Chinese characters, and acquire an introduction to Chinese culture. Topics will include the acquisition of basic vocabulary, sounds and structure with emphasis on conversation and basic Chinese characters. Students will participate in level two modules designed to improve speaking, listening, reading and writing.

SPAN1015 Elementary Spanish I (4)

For students who wish to begin the study of Spanish. The acquisition of basic vocabulary, sounds and structures with emphasis on conversation. An introduction to Spanish and Hispanoamerican cultures. This course is equivalent to SPAN1010.

SPAN1025 Elementary Spanish II (4)

A continuation of SPAN1015. For students who wish to begin the study of Spanish. The acquisition of basic vocabulary, sounds and structures with emphasis on conversation. An introduction to Spanish and Hispanoamerican cultures. Prerequisites: SPAN1015 or equivalent. This course is equivalent to SPAN1020.

SPAN2015 Intermediate Spanish I (4)

For students who have had at least two years of high school Spanish or one year of college Spanish. A refinement of basic skills and structure with continued emphasis on conversation and increasing emphasis on composition and reading. Prerequisites: SPAN1025 or equivalent. This course is equivalent to SPAN2010.

SPAN2025 Intermediate Spanish II (4)

A continuation of SPAN2015. For students who have had at least two years of high school Spanish or one year of college Spanish. A refinement of basic skills and structure with continued emphasis on conversation and increasing emphasis on composition and reading. Prerequisites: SPAN2015 or equivalent. This course is equivalent to SPAN2020.