

THTR1260: Acting I: Intro to Acting

Credits 3
A course designed to acquaint the student with the fundamental skills necessary to acting and to explore the basic elements of the actor’s art. This course will explore the physical, vocal, intellectual, and technical aspects of acting in a format that encourages freedom of imagination and personal growth.

THTR1270: Introduction to Directing

Credits 3
The study of the basic techniques of stage direction including play analysis, director/actor and director/designer communication, and technical problems of movement, composition, picturization, and blocking. Students will practice the craft by presenting in-depth research and script analysis and directing scene work.

THTR2260: Acting II: Acting in Realism

Credits 3

A continuation of Acting I: Intro to Acting, this course is designed to further explore the actor's art, and continue to develop the individual's technique.


THTR1260 or instructor's approval.

THTR2470: Troupe

Credits 0 2

Auditioned ensemble which will form the core of NNU’s theatre production. Members commit to a twice-weekly meeting time designed to foster ensemble and to build, staff and act in the production season. Production responsibilities will be assigned through consultation between the student and instructor. Intended for the student who wants a more intense and immersive experience in theater production than participation in a play or musical can provide. May be repeated for credit.


Audition or instructor's approval.

THTR4470: Troupe

Credits 0 2

Auditioned ensemble which will form the core of NNU’s theatre production. Members commit to a twice-weekly meeting time designed to foster ensemble and to build, staff and act in the production season. Production responsibilities will be assigned through consultation between the student and instructor. Intended for the student who wants a more intense and immersive experience in theater production than participation in a play or musical can provide. May be repeated for credit.


Audition or instructor's approval.

THTR4480: Theatre Production

Credits 0 1

Hands-on involvement in the performing of a theatrical production, including acting, costuming, stage lighting, set construction and theatre management. May be repeated for credit.


Audition or instructor's approval.