Bachelor of Arts

Musical Theatre


Designed for the student that wishes to pursue a career in the professional or academic theatre or that would like a high-quality theatre experience that complements their musical talents.

Administrator: Chair, Department of Music

Requirements for Musical Theatre: 49 credits: 14 core credits and 35 Musical Theatre Credits.

Musical Theatre Courses: 35 credits

Item #
Sub-Total Credits

An acceptable level of keyboard proficiency (determined by examination) is required in all emphases. A student may acquire needed skills by taking available piano courses.

Additionally, all theatre majors are required to do the following:

  1. Participate in a minimum of one large ensemble each semester
  2. Study privately in their primary performance medium each semester (voice or instrument) (additional fee required)
  3. Complete a juried examination in their performance medium each semester
  4. Pass the Keyboard Proficiency Exam (Piano skills assessed during the first semester). Applied piano may be required (additional fee required)
  5. Complete the Concert Recital Attendance each semester (MUSC0250)

The students' responsibility is to familiarize themselves and comply with music program policies outlined in the Music Program Handbook. Copies are available in the Music Department office.

Total Credits